Trasteo Empresarial

Trasteo Empresarial

¿Por qué elegir nuestro servicio de trasteo?
Santamaria Trasteos provides organizations with a highly qualified human resource for the moving service for companies, moving furniture, computer equipment, workstations and other household goods as required.The company will continue to operate on schedule.
Why do your move with Santamaria Trasteos?
Porque es la empresa en Colombia que más ventajas, seguridad y beneficios otorga a sus clientes.

Desde 1987 brindando soluciones integrales de mudanza, prestando nuestros servicios desde y hacia cualquier parte de Colombia y el mundo.

We have highly qualified human resources that guarantee the quality of our moving services, complying with legal and regulatory requirements.

We are certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard, continuously improving our processes.
Our vehicles

We currently have more than 80 of our own vehicles with different features, covering the needs of our clients.

We take care of your belongings as much as you do, all our vehicles have a real time GPS monitoring system.
Transportation policy

In Santamaria Trasteos all our services have different driving policies covered by Seguros Bolivar.
International transportation

We have strategic allies in different modes of transportation (air, sea and land) to provide a better service.

We deliver on time, in full and in the proper condition of the goods.
Why do your move with Santamaria Trasteos?
Porque es la empresa en Colombia que más ventajas, seguridad y beneficios otorga a sus clientes.

Contamos con más de 8.000 m³ de almacenamiento en casillas individuales distribuidos a nivel nacional.
International transportation

We have strategic allies in different modes of transportation (air, sea and land) to provide a better service.

Realizamos entregas oportunas, completas y en el mismo estado en el que se recibe.

We have highly qualified human resources that guarantee the quality of our moving services, complying with legal and regulatory requirements.

We are certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard, continuously improving our processes.

Cuidamos tu menaje tanto como tú, todos nuestros vehículos cuentan con un sistema de monitoreo GPS en tiempo real y nuestros servicios cuentan con diferentes pólizas de manejo amparadas por Seguros Bolívar.

Desde 1987 brindando soluciones integrales de mudanza, prestando nuestros servicios desde y hacia cualquier parte de Colombia y el mundo.
Our vehicles

We currently have more than 80 of our own vehicles with different features, covering the needs of our clients.
Other services Santamaria Trasteos
Storage Warehouses
8.000 cúbicos con cobertura nacional con altos estándares de calidad…
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Transfer of vehicles
Transporte de automóviles, motos, lanchas, container y otros…
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Packing and Packaging
Técnicas ajustadas a la evolución de muebles, enseres y electrodomésticos
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