Trasteo Internacional

Trasteo Internacional

Más de 38 años prestando servicios de mudanzas internacionales, transportando vidas, sueños e ilusiones en contenedores desde y hacia Colombia, marcan la trayectoria en logística de Santamaria Trasteos. Service characteristics:
- Export packaging
- Combined transportation (air-land-sea)
- Service at destination
- Customs formalities
- International insurance
- Door to Door or Port Service
El conocimiento y la experiencia en mudanzas internacionales nos permite desarrollar la logística exacta para poder despachar menajes desde cualquier ciudad de Colombia hacia cualquier lugar del mundo.
Thanks to the unique infrastructure deployed in the country's seven main cities, combinada con una exclusiva red de aliados a nivel mundial, enfocados en multinacionales, grandes empresas, diplomáticos y particulares para sus mudanzas, garantizamos el permanent control and monitoring of your household goods.

Associated services
Multimodal transportation
We transport from the main cities of Colombia to the world, providing the best response to our clients, through a personalized service with the elaboration of supporting documentation, pre-alerts, itineraries, reservations, etc. Aéreo, Marítimo y Terrestre
We offer the Exclusive Dedication Service for high or low volume clients, which consists of assigning a team of professionals to a specific client, who interact through systems to follow up on the dispatches and shipping permits corresponding to their import and export operations.
We have the support of Seguros Bolivar with fire, theft, transportation, extra-contractual civil liability and collective automobile policies, to cover the merchandise entrusted to our company, with full coverage for those events in which, due to fortuitous events, accidents occur in which the client's assets are affected by the losses that are caused.
Other services Santamaria Trasteos
Storage Warehouses
8.000 cúbicos con cobertura nacional con altos estándares de calidad…
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Transfer of vehicles
Transporte de automóviles, motos, lanchas, container y otros…
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Packing and Packaging
Técnicas ajustadas a la evolución de muebles, enseres y electrodomésticos
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